Phone: (506) 262-5402, Email:

Get to the root of health concerns with bioenergetics, assessing and correcting the body’s control system.

Our body’s energetic field controls our physical body. Address the distortions and blockages in the body’s energetic field and you correct physical and emotional issues.

This system is based on the ‘hero’s journey’. It assesses and corrects the body’s control system with bioenergetics. Medicine and nutrition are mainly based on the body’s chemistry. But chemistry is based on the physics of the flow of energy and information of the body. 

That’s what bioenergetics addresses.  It works on the body’s energy field, which is how it gets to the root of the problem.

What causes energy blockages?

  • Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs)
  • Toxic metals
  • Chemicals
  • Emotional trauma
  • Physical trauma/scars
  • Stress

Every human is born with an amazing self-healing energy blueprint of information that is carried out in the fields of the body. And that body’s energy field controls both biology and physical health.

But life’s challenges – stress, diet, environmental poisons, or emotional upsets – damage this original blueprint.

When that happens, the information and operating instructions sent by the body are either distorted or prevented from getting to their intended target area all together.

That can cause the body’s own self-healing power to lapse, which can lead to poor health and fatigue.

Is NES Health Bioenergetics right for you?

  • Ideal for those who are sensitive to other detox & wellness programs
  • Excellent solution for those with a low tolerance for supplements
  • Results are faster than more rigorous wellness programs
  • Can be used in the comfort of your own home
  • No irritating detox symptoms
  • Helps increase your energy permanently
  • Quick & easy digital program
  • No lab fees or required blood work
  • Can be used in conjunction with other detox programs
  • Non-invasive & Affordable

How NES Health Bioenergetics works:

NES Health Bioenergetics is a simple and elegant system that utilizes a small handheld biofeedback device that reliably and accurately identifies energetic blockages in every part of your body!

Our special BioSync software maps the information from your scan and creates a report. Debby, who is a NES Health practitioner, interprets the results and makes recommendations for Infoceuticals (liquid, energetic remedies) that are designed to stimulate your body’s self-healing system and address the blockages disrupting the flow of information in your body.

A NES Health Bioenergetic program can correct the energy distortions that are contributing to many of the physical problems ailing you, so that you can enjoy improved health and more energy.

It uses the science of quantum physics to return integrity to the body’s energetic field, and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself at a chemical, physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and informational level.

NES BioEnergetiX WellNES System

The NES BioEnergetiX WellNES System is an advanced software program that helps you understand your body-field and how it relates to your overall well-being.

It uses a quick and non-invasive scan to assess the state of your body-field at  a specific moment.

 Results of NES Health Bioenergetics

  • Increases energy & alleviates fatigue
  • Supports pain relief for acute & chronic symptoms
  • Aids in stress reduction
  • Stimulates the body’s repair process
  • Works as a powerful preventative measure
  • Corrects ongoing health imbalances
  • Improves both physical and emotional health
  • Increases mental clarity

What this enables me to do for you

  • See beyond your symptoms
  • Observe the information the body needs to return to its original blueprint
  • Look at the distortions in information and clear energy blockages


How Does It Work

A client simply places a hand on an input device – within seconds the software returns more than 150 results about the body-field and its correlations to the physical body in anatomically correct and detailed graphical representations.

BioEnergetiX WellNES Scans are able to tell us:

  • How much power the body field has to work with
  • Whether or not information is being transferred properly
  • How well the body field is responding to environmental fields and other factors
  • Whether it is able to recognize and use nutrients properly
  • What thought and emotion patterns are impacting the field, potentially causing chronic health issues.
  •  Showing your major organs and organ systems
  •  The environmental influences, such as toxins and electromagnetic fields you may have been exposed to
  • Your nutritional influences
  • Your musculoskeletal system
  • Your emotions, including trauma and shock. It is like measuring the amount of static on your radio stations – in this case your whole body.

Each organ and system in your body works off of varied signals.

And what happens when you don’t have your radio tuned to the exact stations?

You won’t get the right reception or you won’t hear the music you are tuning in! Therefore, the same analogy! Your body can’t hear all the correct instructions and they are “lost in translation!”

So how do we use these results?

NES MiHealth shows the distortions and blockages that you currently have. From the results, we can incorporate them into an ongoing wellness and prevention measure to restore, achieve and maintain optimal health including recommended protocols. These actions will eventually lead to overall health and energy.

The NES MiHealth software also identifies the NES Infoceuticals that can best correct body-field distortions and help activate the body’s own self-healing capacities, together with the option of a meditation to align with your body’s needs.

How Do NES Scans Differ From Other Scans?

The technologies and products developed by NES Health far exceed other bioenergetics solutions that are currently available. Here are some of what sets their scans apart:

  • NES Health scans don’t use Galvanic Skin Response like other systems, which can alter the scan results by skin moisture and movement during longer scans.
  • They don’t use Meridian Point Testing, which can produce results that are altered by the practitioner.
  • NES Health scans only interact with the body field and don’t have any other interactions that can skew the results.

But how does the NES software work?

The scan uses a quantum electrodynamic (QED) matching test to detect the waveforms and interference patterns in your body-field.

This process incorporates theories from Wolff and Marcer, enhancing the scanning process.

The computer or smartphone running the NES software generates its own QED field, which becomes entangled with your body-field. Through a proprietary process, the software compares your body-field with the blueprint of body-field structures encoded in the software.

The entanglement of these two QED fields allows for the flow of information, and the matching of structures in space reveals this information. This is known as space resonance matching, based on Milo Wolff’s space resonance theory.

The NES System interacts with your body-field, asking questions and gathering information about changes in space as responses from your body-field.

Unlike traditional medicine, which focuses on establishing baseline measures, the NES System evaluates the quality of the response it receives from your body-field.

It prioritizes the responses and presents them in a graphical format for practitioners to assess.

It’s important to note that NES scans are not like traditional biofeedback systems that detect changes in skin or brain electrical characteristics. The interaction between the computer/smartphone and your body-field during a NES scan is a quantum process that happens almost instantly.

Each person’s biochemistry is unique, but our body-fields share the same underlying structure.

The NES System focuses on the larger energetic and informational structures, such as Energetic Drivers and Integrators, which are essential for proper bodily functions.

By correcting distorted structures, we positively impact all processes within them, ultimately analyzing the functional integrity of your body-field.

During a NES scan, the system correlates, sorts, and prioritizes the matches made, presenting them in easy-to-understand graphical reports. By evaluating the quality of the matches between your actual body-field and the information in the NES software, we can detect distortions and provide you with the knowledge to correct them, restoring your energy for life.

At NES Health, we offer a groundbreaking approach to healthcare, backed by 21st-century science, technology, and quantum physics. Our personalized, holistic therapy solutions restore optimal health and well-being throughout the body, mind, and spirit in the most natural way possible.

I understand the importance of providing a safe, private and secure environment to promote relaxation and stress relief. Listening to your concerns, discussing treatment options with you, supporting you and working with you on your unique healing journey to wellness is my mission.

Take the next step on your wellness journey and make an appointment today, your body will thank you for it.

I graduated with honours from ACTM in 2019, and I have always had an interest in alternative therapies having taken many bodywork and alternative/holistic therapy courses. Let me facilitate your healing journey.

Our Mission:   Our mission is to improve the well being of our clients and the community by delivering client and wellness centered health care.

Our vision is to define and deliver alternative health practices of the highest order and set the standard for compassion and innovation.

Exercise Prescription:   Our philosophy is to help our clients achieve the best possible outcome for maintenance of good health. We offer remedial exercises, balance, and fall prevention together with strengthening and stretching exercises in order to provide our clients with the ability to continue on their healing path and improve their quality of life.

A body in motion stays in motion:   We believe that education empowers our clients to take control of their health and wellbeing. We help our clients understand how their health got to where it is, how we can help improve it and how they can continue improving their health over time.

Renew, rejuvenate, and revitalize your health today by making an appointment.


Please click on ‘type of massage’ to discover how we can assist you.


What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is the best-known and most popular type of massage therapy on which all other massage styles are based.

Swedish massage therapy involves mild, moderate or deeper strokes on the back, arms, legs, neck and other body parts to target tissues and muscles for maximal pain relief, stress release and relaxation.

Swedish massage helps promote healing while targeting pain, injuries, stress and stiffness using gliding, kneading, tapping, friction and light shaking—designed to ease back pain and help relaxation.


What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage therapy takes Swedish massage one step further to address chronic pain and injury. This soothing, therapeutic, treatment releases toxins, eases chronic muscle tension and promotes relaxation.

A favourite amongst athletes and massage therapists, deep tissue massage helps release resistant knots, with a specialized and unique massage technique. It helps with chronic pain & injury and can enable better range of motion.


What is Hot Stone Massage?

Hot stone massage therapy is an age-old treatment with the addition of heat for a modern twist. Water-heated, smooth stones are placed strategically on the body on key points—with or without pressure—for the ultimate in relaxation and pain relief.

This treatment helps relieve tension, eases muscle stiffness, and increases circulation. How? Hot stone therapy promotes healing by targeting the deeper layers of muscle through the use of heated stones. Combined with regular massage, this treatment delivers a wealth of benefits, including:

Relief from chronic pain, including fibromyalgia, arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS)

Reduced stress and tension

Better joint mobility and flexibility

Muscle pain and spasm relief

Improved circulation

Insomnia support

Warm and soothe your body with this specialized, unique massage. Whether you’re looking to help ease chronic muscle tension or just completely relax, hot stone massage is for you.

This therapeutic treatment focuses on damaged tissue and knots with its precise, deep tissue massage techniques. It uses appropriate pressure to promote the healing of scar tissue as well as relief from the pain of soft tissue injuries, chronic conditions, stress and tension.

Caution: Although there are many benefits to Hot Stone Massage there are some conditions that need consideration before treatment.

The most common contraindications are; pregnancy, any condition that impacts the immune system (such as Lupus, Cancer, Mononucleosis to name a few), any conditions that impact the skin such as severe bruises, burns, shingles and/or any condition that results in a loss of sensation (examples include diabetes, Neuropathy and Peripheral Vascular Disorder). If you have a specific condition that is not listed, please make sure to discuss it with Debby prior to treatment.


What is Prenatal Massage?

Pregnancy brings with it an array of aches and pains, as well as extra strain on the muscles and joints of moms-to-be.

Enter prenatal (pregnancy) massage – and the relief that comes with it. Prenatal massage helps ease tension to help with relaxation and pain relief – while keeping mom and baby safe and comfortable.

Prenatal massage can help alleviate pregnancy back pain and increase blood circulation, which can provide more oxygen and nutrients to the baby.


What is Sports Massage?

Sports massage goes beyond promoting relaxation and pain relief.

It can help improve performance and prevent injury – in addition to helping the body recover from injuries associated with physical activity.

Sports can be repetitive, especially for runners, cyclists, racquet sports players and weightlifters. Sports massage helps release that muscle tension and promote tissue repair and muscle balance for a safer next workout.

DID YOU KNOW? You can customize your massage based on your sport/workout of choice.


What is Trigger Point Therapy?

When an area of the body is tight and tense, it can cause referral pain in another area. That headache? It may actually be referral pain triggered by stiffness in your neck and shoulders.

Trigger point therapy uses massage and deep breathing to help alleviate tension and discomfort at the source.


You may have seen athletes with strips of colorful tape splayed in patterns across shoulders, knees, backs, and abs. That’s kinesiology tape: a therapeutic tape that’s applied strategically to the body to provide support, lessen pain, reduce swelling, and improve performance.


How does kinesiology tape work?

Kinesiology tape is really stretchy with a blend of cotton and nylon. It’s designed to mimic the skin’s elasticity so you can use your full range of motion. The tape’s medical-grade adhesive is also water-resistant and strong enough to stay on for three to five days, even while you work out or take showers.

When the tape is applied to your body, it recoils slightly, gently lifting your skin. It helps to create a microscopic space between your skin and the tissues underneath it.

Your First Visit Expectations

If you’re new to massage, you’ll want to know exactly what to expect on your first visit to our clinic. We’ve broken it down for you, just so there are no surprises.

1  Your Arrival

It’s a good idea to come 10-15 minutes before your first appointment to carefully fill out your health history form. Want to save time? Print and complete the form before you arrive.

2  Getting Prepped

Debby will take you into one of our treatment rooms and discuss your health history form and massage preferences. Together you’ll discuss your assessment and treatment plan.

Deb will then leave the room to allow you to disrobe. You can receive an effective, therapeutic massage regardless of what clothing (if any) you choose to remove. Your comfort and ability to relax is our top priority.

Some people prefer to take off their clothing, leaving on their underwear while some leave their clothing on. The choice is yours. If you choose to be fully clothed, please wear loose fitting clothing (like shorts and a t-shirt) so that your body will not be restricted during your treatment. Cover yourself with the linens provided and wait for Debby to knock on the door.

3  Let the Treatment Begin

The Healing Owl experience

You’ll stay under the fresh linens on the massage table throughout the treatment. Debby is trained to ensure the sheet on the massage table always drapes you and protects your privacy. Only the body part being worked on will be uncovered.

Debby will regularly ask whether the pressure is okay. Please feel free to communicate with Debby about pressure at any time, as well as about draping or any pain you might be feeling throughout the massage. You can choose complete quiet, or relaxing conversation or whether to have calming music played, or not.

Debby will let you know when the massage is complete and will leave the room while you get dressed. When you’re ready, open the door to signal her to come back. She’ll then provide you water, self-care advice/follow up and your recommended treatment plan.

Please feel free to ask Debby any questions you may have at this point.

Phone: (506) 262-5402


Cost: Starting from $90/hr

Direct billing available

Most Health policies covered