The S.A.C. is a high vibrational light energy, which assists in shifting your vibrational frequency allowing you the space for clearing the trapped emotional patterns. It also stimulates and activates your dormant DNA strands, propelling you closer to your home frequency, which is our natural state of Love. (Oneness with the Universe). This will bring your healing modality to the next level.

 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. Tapping the body can create a balance in your Energy System and release pain. Negative emotions and pain are usually caused by a disruption in Energy. EFT (tapping) has been used successfully to treat people with both anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

This is an intense 3 days of hardcore inner work. If you’re not committed 100% (no matter what) to doing your inner work, this is NOT the course for you.

When done properly, inner work is brutal, it’s uncomfortable, it makes you cry (ALL emotions get triggered) and everything that you have spent your entire life suppressing, gets brought up, front and center and exposed. You will be with other like minded, strong willed souls, who also choose to take this next step in their healing adventure. Working together as a healing adventure team, all with the same goals, sharing tears, laughter, understanding and support. This is not for the weak-willed.

Your Reward: 

For those that go all-in (no matter what), in just 3 days, there should be no reason why you would not go from caterpillar to butterfly, where a whole new life awaits you.

Pre-requisite for this certification: 

FIERCE DETERMINATION TO GET INNER WORK DONE (NO MATTER WHAT).  Be kind to fellow participants. We are ALL here to help each other.





This 3 day workshop retreat is 90% practical.

Most people will activate on the table ~ some may experience levitation, body movement, Kundalini activations and many people’s higher chakras will activate as well.

 Kundalini is a Sanscrit term from ancient India that identifies the arising of an energy and consciousness, which has been coiled at the base of the spine since birth, and is the source of the Life Force (Pranic Energy, chi, bio-energy) that everybody knows.

PLEASE keep in mind, that clients comment on feeling amazing afterwards. Imagine feeling your body decompress, unblock, realign and release all of the dense heavy energies stored in your body AND mind, allowing the healing to take place. This video will show you a MILD activation with levitation.

Many who are coming for this course have experienced it before. Once you get the body unblocked, unlocked and into its proper field … those movements will activate by itself in order to do what is needed to heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.