Phone: (506) 262-5402, Email:

“Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies.”
~ Albert Einstein

“The human body is a quantum biological system made up of molecules, atoms and subatomic particles held together by electromagnetic bonds. Frequencies appear to change membrane protein configuration and cell function electromagnetically with a specific frequency signal.”

~ Dr Carolyn McMakin

As a trained Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) practitioner, I help you utilise the power of specific frequencies that mimics the body’s own electrical nervous system, based on the concept of quantum physics, in order to heal and restore optimal health.

It is where science meets technology to make your body function better and more efficiently.

By employing this lower level of microcurrent that utilises the body’s own electrical blueprint of health, it stimulates the body’s own repair systems to activate and heal itself, and rapidly too.

The human body is composed of an intricate network of tissues and cells, all of which are exquisitely responsive to subtle electrical currents. We are electrical beings – our bodies are made up of cells, nerves, nerve endings, etc – and information is passed from one cell to another via electrical impulses. All while having water in our bodies as a major conductor of these electrical impulses.All of our body functions and internal communications are regulated by such impulses, including healing and regenerative processes, and the immune system.

Chronic pain and dysfunction is a signal of the failure of some aspect of the body-mind to communicate or process information or energy.

Why use Microcurrent and Specific Frequencies for Health?

Specific frequencies have been around for decades – think about using a car remote control to open a specific car that is yours. Your car remote control does ‘not’ open any other car door but yours, correct? How is this even possible? It is because of the specificity of the frequency.

Why use Microcurrent and Specific Frequencies for Health?

We face regular insults to our physical, psychological and emotional health, either from internal or external stressors. When these insults are too great for us to shoulder, the body responds in different ways, leading to a moving-away from equilibrium or balance of health.

When a specific organ in our bodies has moved away from its equilibrium (or optimal healthy state), its frequency is altered. Frequency Specific Microcurrent can ‘tune’ that specific organ back to its optimal specific frequency in order to restore equilibrium and health.

This concept applies to the entire body, nervous system, emotions, conditions or dis-eases within the body also.

If cells regenerate, What goes wrong?

DNA cannot leave its cell, so must be copied (RNA). Imagine this as a receipe, your Mom tells you the ingredients but by the time you remember to write them down you may have got them in the wrong order. Which in turn produces a different result. This can happen with our DNA, even though cells are reproduced often, sometimes the information is wrong. The gut making and IBS cells instead, now you have IBS cells being produced.

How Does Microcurrent Work?


Clients have reported the following, and depending on their presenting condition(s), they have experienced:

  • Feeling more calm and relaxed (if feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious prior)
  • Feeling more energised (if lacking in energy prior)
  • Feeling more balanced – physically, mentally, emotionally
  • Feeling lighter (if weighed down or stressed prior)
  • Immune system improvement
  • Improvements in blood lab markers e.g. liver enzymes, glucose levels, etc.
  • Pain reduction or Removal of pain altogether
  • Rapid healing from injuries or healing from conditions
  • Resilience to health challenges
  • Sleeping better

And the best part to note is – FSM is painless and non-invasive.
Clients report feeling calm (or sometimes, the affected tissues can feel warm) when the frequencies MATCH the condition, and so you need not worry about any tingling nor buzzing sensations…..because it is very mild “micro”-current and clients often do not feel the low level of current.

Everything has a Frequency

How Does Microcurrent Work?

  • Microcurrent—The acutron is a non-needle therapeutic device based on the ability to apply specific frequencies, polarities and current levels of electrical energy required for each individual patient condition. It has the added benefit of a color light therapy device that can transmit several different color light waves for the purpose of affecting the physical, mental and emotional spheres simultaneously.
  • Energy Light Rejuvenation (ELR)—unlock the power of cellular restoration: a gentle and therapeutic application from the Acutron machine that utilizes a unique combination of frequency specific microcurrent, color.
  • Light chromo-therapy, and pure, healant skin care products. ELR is based on the principle that inner balance=outer beauty.

Frequencies for Emotions

Emotions are a prime cause of somatic disease and have an effect on the cells of the body. Cells hold memory programs which certain frequencies can help turn off, which is why Microcurrent is used in the treatment of PTSD.

Thousands of years before modern medicine “discovered” the psycho-somatic causes of illness. Traditional Chinese Medicine texts taught that excessive emotions are a prime cause of somatic disease. It also showed how emotional imbalances such as depression, anxiety and mania could be rooted in imbalances of the internal Organs. There are acupuncture and herbal treatments prescribed to help relieve depression and other psycho-emotional conditions.

Ancient Ayurvedic medicine from India included therapies using colored light or gemstones to correct physical and emotionally-based disease conditions.

A new method called PNE Balancing is creating even more powerful results than what has been offered by these traditional methods. Integrating the wisdom of ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine with modern technology, PNE Balancing offers rapid results for modern patients suffering with debilitating stress, depression, phobias, addictions and more.

Make an appointment today to discover the amazing ability of microcurrent and how it can be an effective tool in helping you to begin your journey to wellness.

(506) 262-5402
