5D Workshop retreat




Workshop Retreat Details

Hardcore Inner Work (Not for the faint-hearted)

We are all transitioning from the narrowly-focused and polarized awareness of the Third Dimension and waking up to the higher vibrations and abilities of the Fifth Dimension.

Each of us has already experienced 5D (Think about your most memorable and uplifting experiences of the recent past … where everything went well, interactions were harmonious and loving, and all felt blissful and happy… that’s 5D).

On this workshop/retreat we explain:

  • How to shift your energetic patterns and choose to permanently anchor yourself in 5D.
  • Provide tools and teachings to guide you in the transition from the polarized mindset of the 3rd dimension to the joy and love of 5th dimensional vibrations.
  • Recognize the 5D experiences you’ve already had
  • Identify the differences between 3D linear thinking and 5D multidimensional thinking
  • Turn 3D viewpoints around to expand your perception of what is possible
  • How 5D allows you to form a strong bond to global consciousness.
  • Exercises and meditations to open yourself to higher frequencies
  • Develop a Higher Self connection
  • Reveal the opportunities the Fifth Dimension has to offer.


You WILL be expected to work hard and face your issues

You WILL be given homework and lots of it

You WILL take responsibility for your life

The harder you work, the greater the rewards

This is not a weekend getaway. It is hard work

Face your fears and do it anyway

How do I know if this workshop/retreat is for me?

We have endeavoured to give the workshop structure, but it largely depends on how much work you are prepared to put in. Inner work is crucial. When done properly, it is also brutal, as it involves facing our issues that we may have spent our entire lifetime burying. You will be EXPECTED to relive them, no matter the emotional tie or burden.

Spirit/Higher Dimensionals cannot address your issues if you keep them buried. Your willingness for participation affords them permission to help you. They need you to hand it on a plate for them. The more you give/do, the more you get. For every bit that you do, they will return the healing/empowerment one hundred-fold. Such is their promise.

More Workshop Activities

Before empowerment can begin, a lot of clearing and healing is required first.

Crystal Labyrinth

Over 1000 crystals are planted within her walls.


Spiritual Alignment Connection.

Medicine Wheel

Learn to use the Medicine Wheel for problem solving.

Meditation Cedars

Learn to be at one with Mother Earth/Nature.


Emotional Freedom Technique. Also referred to as ‘Tapping’.

Woodland Storytrails

Never underestimate the power and magic of Faeries and Higher Dimensionals.

5D Meditations

Revisit emotions. clean, restructure & unleash your God power.


Staying in the Energy is important. So much to see and do.

Faery Wood

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(506) 367-1801
